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"Landscapes are like libraries,

places where the experiences of Humanity accumulate". 

Hello! You are on a page about hiking asports activity, non-competitive and tourism that consists of traveling on foot existing routes and trails in natural environments, such as rivers, mountains, ravines, hills... always respecting the environment. Hiking is an activity "on the way" between sport, a walk and a trip. A basic definition would be "start walking and that's it", but no, "start walking" requires a minimum physical condition, knowledge of the environment, interpretation of the landscape, knowing how to identify approved signs and those that are not, the markings of continuity, the shelters..., becauseIt's not just walking, it's recognizing,value recovering the natural heritage of roads and passage, the cultural, archaeological, fauna, botanical. Hiking and also doing it, in company and with dogs, is undoubtedly a simple, healthy and comforting sporting modality.Welcome!

ORlast route

Aviso: desde noviembre de 2022 no publicamos más rutas por exceder la carga de fotografías del servicio- web gratuito. Lo sentimos. ¡Gracias!

Visit to "los Henrenes" 

October 1, 2022

Archeotourism is a highly recommended activity in which hiking is integrated with learning about the vestiges of our Avila past.





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